We Have Light!!!

laugh now

It seems the government’s claim that Nigeria now has 7000 megawatts of electricity is true.

In my area, we have light 25hrs a day! The food in my freezer is so frozen that you have warm and agile maggots doing the breakdance for me.

Their sweat mixed with the mushy, cloudy mould is making me consider having a bird feast with cockroaches as the chefs…Won’t you like to come?

We actually have light so much that I am tired of going to my friend’s house to plug my devices and charge them from my house.

At night, it’s so brightly dark that I need extra light from my torch to see. Somehow, I feel I am opening the Olympic games of the luminescent Darkest times ever!

Indeed we have light that I keep wishing I have a new generator just for show off at night…Lol!

Wait, my neighbours are looking for petrol to run the pumping machine…while we have light.


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